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Department of Landscape Architecture
Alumni and Friends

Internships and Careers

Looking for a student or recent grad?  The college's Office of Career Services participates in an internship and career posting service for students and alumni.  Looking for change yourself?  The Office of Career Services is available to alumni as well.  Also, the College's LinkedIn site often communicates opportunities exclusively to the 网赌平台 community.

Support LA@网赌平台

Alumni continue to be a major source of support for our students.  This year two new endowed scholarship funds were put into place:  The George Curry Honor Fund, and the Dan and Carol Wojcik Scholarship Fund.  In addition, gifts in honor of Bruce Appel will provide an additional scholarship for students.  These gifts are contributing to over $60,000 in scholarships awarded to Landscape Architecture students during the upcoming school year to help them with college expenses and Off-Campus studies.

Landscape Architecture Advisory Council (LAAC)

The Landscape Architecture Advisory Council provides the department with advice for curriculum, recruiting, and other support.

Louis Fusco, LAAC Chair
Louis Fusco Landscape Architects
914 764-9123